Welcome  Graduates.

Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment.

Click on the tab for your School and book your sitting.


Only the student being photographed and one other person will be allowed into the studio area.

Thank you for booking an appointment with us.

Please arrive on time  for your sitting.

There is sitting fee which is payable when you book it.

Your proof images will be available to you for viewing online within 72 hours.

For Truro customers:

Any concerns or questions call Pridhams Truro at 1 902 895 1695

For New Glasgow Customers:

any concerns or questions call Pridhams New Glasgow at  902 752 4282

Thank you


Northumberland Regional High


Book Now

Please book with students name as the account.

Please check with your student before booking. Having to

re-book is time consuming for us and for you

Thank you for booking an appointment with us.

You will receive your proofs the same day as the sitting.

The Gowns, Sashes, shirts and ties are provided by Pridham's.

Please arrive on time  for your sitting.

It is $10.00 including taxes  for the Portrait Sitting which is payable at time of booking.

Your proof images will be available to you for viewing online within 72 hours.

MTA Portraits for Graduation

Book Now

Photographer will be in  Tweedie Hall for the appointments 

  Thank you for booking an appointment with us..

The gowns and the shirts and ties ( for those who need them), are all provided by Pridham's.

Please arrive about 10 minutes early for your sitting.

Your proofs will be ready for viewing online within 72 hours.

Your password will be provided to you at the time of your sitting.

NSCC Pictou County

Book Now

Please note all sittings booked through this site will be taken at the community college.

The gowns and the shirts and ties (for those who need them), are all provided by Pridham's.

Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment.


Only the student being photographed and one other person will be allowed into the photography area.


There is NO fee for the Portrait Sitting.  No Paper Proofs will be provided. All viewing of images will be online.

Your proof images will be available to you for viewing online within 72 hours.

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